– All sponsorships and donations are tax-deductible.
– All contributions of over $25 become members and receive membership benefits.
– Sponsorships are usually $500 and more. Sponsors receive special thank you’s and publicity.
– Sponsors can choose to support a Special Event, like the Environmental Film Festival, or a project, like ornamental landscaping.
– Contact us at ggp@pagosagreen.org if you need clarifications or questions answered.
Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership sincerely appreciates your support.

To make a one-time tax-deductible donation, go to ColoradoGives.org/geothermalgreenhousepartnership

Use AmazonSmile and GGP receives donations

AmazonSmile is an easy way to support Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership, every time you shop Amazon. Go to smile.amazon.com and log on just like regular Amazon. There’s no cost to you. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, select Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership to receive donations before you start shopping. Then, shop as usual. Thank you!